Saturday, November 25, 2006

Calderon Cabinet

President Calderon appointed part of his Cabinet. What do you think?

His new labor secretary will be lawyer Javier Lozano.

The treasury secretary will be Agustin Carstens.

Eduardo Sojo will head the Economy Department after running Fox's office of public policy.

Georgina Kessel will be Mexico's first female energy secretary.

Luis Tellez will run the Communications and Transportation Department.

Rodolfo Elizond was reappointed as Secretary of Tourism.

Dr. Jose Angel Cordoba, a federal National Action congressman, as health secretary.

Beatriz Zavala, a federal National Action congresswoman from southeastern Yucatan state, was appointed social development secretary.

Alberto Cardenas, former environment secretary under outgoing President Vicente Fox, will head the Agriculture Department.

Josefina Vazquez, who stepped down as Fox's social development secretary to run Calderon's campaign, will run the country's Education Department.

Juan Rafael Elvira, an assistant prosecutor in the federal Environment Department, as environment secretary.